November Astrology Forecast: Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
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This is truly an energetic and revelatory time.
Read on for a collective forecast for the themes around the upcoming total lunar eclipse happening on Nov. 8. This eclipse takes place on the Taurus and Scorpio axis and marks a sort of turning point in our lives. If you have placements in the mid-degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), this lunation may have a more personal impact. With that said: Whatever happens on or around this day, whatever event peaks as the culmination of this storyline, it will have a lasting impact.
I often hear the full moon lunar eclipse described as “a full moon on steroids.” While I agree to an extent, I also don’t feel like this analogy truly encapsulates the gravity of the transit. I think of eclipses as portals or, as astrologer Cory Nakasue puts it, wormholes. During eclipse season, time itself seems bent, warped or even slowed or halted.
There’s a complex multi-dimensionality to time during any eclipse season. A full moon is a required part of the lunar eclipse alignment, but really it’s a full moon that’s being (temporarily) blocked. It’s as if Mother Nature is stepping in, closing the blinds and readjusting before opening back up for business. It may feel like searching for something in the dark with your hand over the flashlight.
There is a distortion
We may not necessarily be able to trust everything we see and hear right now. This is not the best time to choose to begin a new project or take on any new roles. With that said, this doesn’t mean doom for those of us who don’t have a choice … we have to live our earthly lives. Now we have foresight, but remember, foresight is only helpful if it’s well managed.
Recognize awareness
During eclipse season, we may feel we have more energy or consciousness around certain themes or topics, but we may not necessarily know what to do with this newfound awareness. Because of this, it can be a time of crisis, or a time when a difficult or important decision must be made. At times astrologers may talk about eclipses with an emphasis on dramatic endings and little mention of what that actually leads to: new beginnings. I get it. As humans, we tend to get attached to outcomes and have expectations about things. Stability or “a sure thing” makes us feel safe. But sometimes, as a result, we may struggle to think outside of the box.
Eclipses make way for what’s possible when the path is equalized and cleared, even if that means clearing something we have attachments to. With that in mind, some of us may feel like we are quantum leaping or shifting timelines altogether. There’s this element of being in some sort of fun house at a carnival. It makes me think of those strange mirrors that create distorted proportions as you walk towards them, or trying to walk through a dimly lit, spinning tube with little lights dotted throughout. For Marvel fans: It feels a bit like we are riding through space-time with Dr. Strange. It’s hard to say where we will end up, but we know we are in for a ride. Not everything is how it may seem.
Due to the planets involved in this eclipse (Uranus and Mercury), there is a very active mentally stimulating component to this lunation that may have some of us feeling anxious. With this full moon, you may have a hard time sleeping, but because it’s also a full moon eclipse, you may want to sleep more than normal. This is where the nuance and lived experience part of astrology comes in. If you want to know how eclipses of the future will impact you more personally, start taking notes and writing down things you notice. Take note of how you feel, what your body feels like and how your kiddos, pets or partner experience this time. Observe.
The lights are on, the music stopped, the fun is over and it’s time to settle up
This particular eclipse has the vibe of closing time at the bar or club. It’s as if we have all been dancing—or talking in the corner—the night away and now it’s time for the party—or existentially deep conversation—to come to an end. Some of us may have paid our tabs earlier in an attempt to avoid the closing rush, and some of us may not have had any drinks and are free to leave owing nothing. Some of us may have been caught with our hands somewhere they shouldn’t have been and some of us may find ourselves standing at the bar, half tipsy, waiting on 36 other people to close out their tabs, too. Some of us are leaving with the friends we came with and some of us are riding home with a friend we just made. Some of us are going back to our own homes, some are getting a burrito on the way back to a buddy’s house. Others are climbing in bed and snuggling pets while some of us have been so enthralled in the present moment that we haven’t given much thought as to how exactly we’re getting home.
“What I’m getting at is this: It feels like we have all been a little bit distracted, inebriated, intoxicated or, for whatever reason, making decisions from a distorted perspective and now we are faced with some sort of a reality check. The inventory has been taken and now the accounts need to be settled. There’s just no avoiding it.”
Moving forward
There’s an energetic equalization that needs to take place for things to progress forward. As this is the last eclipse in this series (the next is May 5, 2023), I suspect the content of this plot development will be something familiar, but the revelation itself will likely be nothing you could have imagined. As a result of this change, we may experience a sudden shift or change in direction. We could also gain access to suppressed/repressed memories, needs, desires or a key piece of information. Due to the nature of the signs, planets and aspects involved in this particular full moon eclipse, this may be shocking, sudden or even instantaneous.
Eclipses happen in a series and are a part of a larger 19-year cycle. The Taurus/Scorpio eclipses of 2022 were: April 30, May 16, Oct. 25 and now this one, Nov. 8. Think or look back to these dates in your camera roll/journal/planner for clues as to where to expect the unexpected. You can also go back to news articles from around this time to provide cultural context. For those of us who are old enough, we can look back 19 years and make connections with stories, lessons and events from then for even richer context or clues.
Where we are in the sky
This eclipse is taking place on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, the axis of possessions, resources and survival. Taurus is often associated with beauty, possessions (valuables) and stability but it’s also the territory of all the resources required to live. Taurus is fixed earth. It’s food, agriculture, water supply and shelter. Taurus is the realm of obtaining the things that keep us alive, and Scorpio is where we transmute and release these things—which ultimately creates space that needs to be filled again.
Scorpio rules over how we manage, use, spend and calculate our resources. Scorpio is about how we merge our resources with others. Scorpio is protective, private and strategic and represents the taboo, occult and deeper parts of our psyche. If you know your natal chart, you can look at your Taurus and Scorpio houses to help better understand where this eclipse series is playing out. There has been some sort of deepening or concentration happening in your Scorpio house and some spontaneity or liberation happening in your Taurus house.
When Taurus is underdeveloped, it can lead to hoarding behaviors, obstinance and overindulgence. With Taurus, as with any fixed sign, we may have trouble changing gears or embracing a new way of doing things. Sometimes to get a Taurus to move, the ground literally needs to quake under it. The same can be true for Scorpio. Scorpio is the fixed water sign. Austin Coppock, an astrologer I follow, says, “Fixed water is like a river.” It flows in one direction and it’s so set in its path that it has the ability to literally corrode and shape the earth around it. Underdeveloped Scorpio may find itself obsessing, manipulating or feeling backed up in some way. This is also where the sting or detachment can come into play.
A harmonious balance between Taurus and Scorpio can be summed up by thinking of our digestive tract. Taurus is what goes into our mouths, down our throats into our digestive system. From there, we are in Scorpio territory. Scorpio’s job is then to extract the nutrients and retain only what’s really valuable or in some cases desirable. The rest gets flushed out, to make room for more.
What does this mean? Some of us may feel a very cathartic release during this time.
Some of us may not experience too much outside of our normal day to day during this time, though an outside event is likely to still have an impact on our life (it is the day of the midterm election, after all). Should you find yourself coming out of this eclipse period relatively unscathed, observe the behaviors of others. Because of the content of what we are dealing with at this time, people are likely to react in a way similar to how one would face a threat to their survival, safety and stability (and some truly very well may be experiencing such threats). There could also be some sort of aggression or tension that could leave us making decisions from some sort of primal, illogical place.
I would recommend maintaining more fluid boundaries around what really angers you and have a plan for dealing with your anger under the influence of this transit.
The fixed signs of the zodiac, as I hinted at above, aren’t the signs that initiate action and they aren’t the first to shift or adapt. Usually to get a fixed placement to shift or move something needs to happen to it. As a result of this outside force, the shift may seem jarring, jolting and completely discombobulating. If you have historically found yourself resisting change, there’s a good chance that over the last couple of years your relationship to change, in some area of life, has likely been tested. For those of us who have a hard time embracing change or getting out of our own way, we may feel as if we are at risk of “letting go or getting dragged.”
As if there’s not enough going on with this eclipse, it is also hitting some sensitive points from 2019/2020.
There is a continued Saturn, Uranus and Pluto undercurrent at play during this time as well. This speaks to the back-and-forth story between old versus new, potentially adding more excitement or resistance. Very strong ties of clinging to the past have been met with resistance from some full-steam-ahead ideas or visions. This tension or resistance could be related to how things were versus how they are now and can show up in our relationships, belief systems, familial structure, company structure or organization, our own morals/values/desires or our general worldview. The way the eclipse is hitting this trigger points to some sort of realization around missing or suppressed information as it relates to whatever this eclipse story is for you, for us.
On a mundane level, this eclipse is happening on the same day as the U.S. midterm election. Personally, I will be keeping my eye on several news outlets as it relates to the election results, rid myself of any expectation of outcomes or timelines and do my best to observe as much as I can before again clinging to any firm-held belief.
I am currently scheduling one on one client consultations for winter 2022/2023. If you would like more tailored astrological advice, or guidance on initiating a more personal relationship with astrology, you can schedule a consultation by emailing me at: